A standard assortment of features are available with Aurora. The Gantry 5 Framework provides the foundation for the template's feature set, some of which are documented below:
  • Menu
  • Dropdown
  • A Dropdown Menu system, with inline icons, multiple columns and more.
  • Navigation
  • Positions
  • Unlimited
  • Unlimited positions, with drag and drop add, delete, move and resize capabilities.
  • Layout
  • Blocks
  • Variations
  • Enhance positions and particles with stylistic and structural block variations.
  • Style
  • Multiple
  • Presets
  • Choose from six preset style variations, easily customizable from the admin.
  • Style
  • Layout
  • Responsive
  • Responsive layout that adapts to the viewing device, such as laptop or mobile.
  • Layout
  • Custom
  • Typography
  • Enhance site content with rich typography and FontAwesome icons.
  • Style
  • Menu
  • Editor
  • Advanced Menu Editor with drag and drop, multiple columns and more.
  • Menu
  • Manager
  • Layout
  • The Layout Manager is an intuitive interface for managing blocks.
  • Layout
  • Settings
  • Settings
  • Unique, and intuitive interface for colors and fonts, with live previews.
  • Style
2 minutes reading time (332 words)

Aruna's Bike- From Ebola to Coronavirus

Aruna is a Community Health Nurse who uses his bike to deliver covid vaccines to communities surrounding the hospital where he works. He recently received his bike through our partner Village Bicycle Project, but he realized the power of a bicycle when he became a nurse seven years ago.

Aruna graduated from nursing school in 2014 and started working at the hospital during the largest Ebola outbreak in history. As a new nurse, his involvement in the unfolding epidemic quickly reinforced how a bike could help save his life and protect his family.

Aruna recalls this time as the worst experience in his life. He had just become a nurse and he saw dozens of Ebola cases and deaths every single day in the hospital. He recognized the danger he faced at work and during his commute, knowing how quickly the deadly virus could spread.

At the time, his older brother had a mountain bike that the two of them would use to ride to work. He remembers how funny they must have looked riding together on the same bicycle as adults. But, they were also very aware of the dangers of using public transportation while Ebola was widely spreading within the community.

When Village Bicycle Project brought bicycles to his community back in 2019, Aruna wasted no time lining up to get one for himself. By then the first coronavirus cases had been identified and the uncertainty of the virus and how it spread threatened to become a global health crisis, something Aruna had experienced in 2014. 

The brothers now each have their own bike giving Aruna the flexibility to use his for work. For the past two years, Aruna has been using his bicycle to see patients across the Lunsar and Port Loko districts in Sierra Leone. He is now able to see more patients in less time. He is also able to save money and keep himself and his family safe by traveling alone on his bike.
Full Circle: Honey Jane Finds Her Way
Mary's Bike- Stories from Sierra Leone

Gantry 5 Core Features

Particles are simple user interface blocks that hook seamlessly into Gantry 5
Configure and structure your menu hierarchy with our new Menu editor
Easy-to-use drag-n-drop layout manager makes layouts a breeze to create
Made a mistake in the layout manager? No problem, you can easily undo it
Icon Picker, Image Picker, Font Picker, Collections, and much, much more!
Dynamic compilation of multiple CSS preprocessors is supported in Gantry 5
Easily add Gantry 5 particles to a location-configurable off-canvas panel
Gantry 5 uses the super-powerful Twig templating system to build your themes
Easily configure Gantry 5 with simple-to-use YAML syntax

System Requirements

Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari 11+, IE11/MS Edge
PHP 5.4+ (PHP 5.5.9+ for Grav) with Curl, OpenSSL Libraries and Multibyte String Support
Joomla 3.8+, WordPress 4.8+, Grav 1.3+